The influence of feminist ideology on the painting art among contemporary female painters (analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


Painting department- Faculty of fine Arts- Helwan University-Cairo- Egypt


The research delves into the impact of feminist ideology on modern and contemporary painting, as well as how its ideas have motivated female painters to take a stand against gender biases prevalent in the male-dominated art world. For far too long, the artistic production of women has been ignored and excluded from the canon of fine arts, often relegated to the status of mere handicrafts. The study also explores the evolution of the four successive feminist waves and their struggles to define women's roles, shedding light on the violations of rights and oppression based on gender, race, and class. It examines the critical and research approaches that have interpreted feminist ideology for female painters, paving the way for feminist art to emerge and introducing artistic techniques that reflect the experiences of women from a purely feminine perspective.

Furthermore, the research highlights the influence of feminist ideology on the choice of subjects in painting, the development of ideas among contemporary female artists, and their approaches to addressing these subjects from a feminist viewpoint. It also discusses how they have worked to change the way their artistic works are received by the art world, calling for the recognition of women as creative geniuses. Additionally, they have raised awareness about issues of gender bias, violence against women, and gender equality. The research showcases the works of contemporary female artists and their incorporation of feminist thought and opinions into their works. They challenge traditional gender roles and explore issues related to women's experiences, celebrating both positive and negative aspects to explore challenges and victories. The themes inspired by feminist ideology contain attempts to honestly reclaim the expression of the female body, far removed from any cosmetic enhancements or traditional representations of beauty and femininity.


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