The aesthetics of plastic treatments of the wooden stick as a starting point for enriching the field of woodworking arts

Document Type : Original Article


helwan universty art educaton


Research Summary:-

The world witnessed rapid technological developments in the twenty-first century, dissolving the rigid differences between the fields of arts and the materials used, such as sculpture, architecture, drawing, photography, and the arts of woodworking and metalwork. ...The wooden stick has appeared with artistic characteristics in terms of the foundations of its construction, methods of formation, and surface treatments. In the past, it was used as a branch from a tree branch only for grazing sheep or for the elderly and sick to lean on. However, in the modern era, types of rare woods and some mineral supplements were added from Bronze, gold, silver, and non-metallic items such as bone, ivory, and precious stones. To give their owner an attractive appearance and more elegance to express wealth, strength, distinction, and the love of collecting.

The wooden stick depends on the plastic processing methods used in woodworking arts, as its malleability to shaping, its endurance capabilities, and its plastic capabilities require information and previous experience with the material, tools, and hand and electrical tools. There are many factors that affect the quality of the wooden stick, the age of the wood used, the shape, hardness, and excellent condition. For trees, when choosing and cutting wooden stick materials, you must look for wood with specifications that can withstand the weight and excessive pressure on it to suit the functional aspect. Although there is a similarity in function, there are many differences in its forms, methods of design, and aesthetic variables, such as axial balance, tactile harmony, proportion, proportion, and interconnection between its parts, and the function that enriches the wooden stick.

From the above, the researcher believes that there is a lack of study and study of the wooden stick and its historical and aesthetic development in a comprehensive and codified manner, and what it carries of plastic values, social customs, and artistic symbolic connotations. Given the economic conditions and the high price of wood, attention and interest were directed to this type of woodwork as a small artistic project that does not need To large areas of wood, it is an addition to opening new horizons that gives students the opportunity to express and learn about the natural sources of wood material and the aesthetics of plastic treatments of wooden sticks, and to benefit from them as a starting point for enriching the field of woodworking arts.


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