The Integrative Approach to Teaching Design in University Education Applied on “Furniture Design- Residential Design Studio” Courses

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of applied arts Helwan university

2 Department of Metal Furniture and Constructions Design – Faculty of Applied arts – Helwan University

3 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University


The rapid progression of today urge the education officials in many countries to prepare the educational programs and plans according to the latest developments and changes.

Study curriculums are the core of all levels of education; elementary, preparatory, secondary; and most importantly; the university education, therefore; study curriculums have become more likely to undergo many modifications and improvements.

Among the methods proposed for educational improvements is the “Integrative Curriculums” approach; which is not a completely novel method; but because of recent developments, as well as the many complaints regarding knowledge segmentation and the separation between what is being taught and reality; among other factors; the “integrative curriculums” method was proposed as a modern approach to overcome many problems which face other methods during the process of designing and developing study curriculums.

The researchers believe that university education is the worthier level on which the integrative curriculums approach can be applied, as the knowledge provided in this educational phase is the most coherent and consistent among all educational levels.

Based on the above; a developmental plan was designed in this research in order to successfully integrate between two basic study curriculums within the educational plan of the “Interior Design program” at Taibah University.

The problem of this research is that the students who are enrolled in the “Interior Design program” at Taibah University are required to complete various assignments for different curriculums, despite the fact that most of these tasks have the same educational goals, which waste the students’ time, efforts and resources.

The objective of the research is to provide the students with the greatest educational experiences and; at the same time; achieve the objectives of the study curriculums without exhausting the students, neither mentally; nor economically.

The research hypothesizes that implementing the “Integrative Curriculums” method helps achieve the curriculums’ educational objectives with efficiency and quality.

The researchers attempted to integrate between two basic curriculums for the fourth level of the Interior Design program, which are: the interior design studio (1) - residential design; and the furniture design curriculums. The executed plan depended on binding 55% of the theoretical subjects of the two curriculums, as well as their practical application, which connected the educational outcomes of both curriculums. At the end of this integrative curriculum; the students were presented with a practical project which achieves the students’ integral acquisition of the knowledge and skills of both curriculums.


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