The Role of Digital Advertising in Raising Awareness of Cultural Heritage for Egyptian Governorates

Document Type : Original Article




The digital advertisement is considered a powerful and effective means of marketing with numerous advantages that make it preferable over other advertising methods. This is due to its ease of reaching the audience and enhancing interaction and engagement through various mediums of visual and interactive content. Social media platforms allow for targeted messages to specific audience segments based on their interests and needs. The reach of advertising campaigns can be quickly expanded through sharing across multiple platforms and content sharing.

Therefore, the role of digital advertising in raising awareness of Egyptian governorates can be of significant importance in promoting awareness of Egyptian heritage. This contributes to the preservation of heritage by highlighting historical landmarks attractively through posters and animated advertisements. This allows the audience to clearly see archaeological sites, understand their cultural and historical value, and disseminate more information about material and immaterial heritage in Egypt. Additionally, it encourages local tourism through advertising on social media platforms and websites.

Highlighting tourist destinations and cultural events in these regions can promote local tourism, stimulate the local economy, and raise awareness of local culture through digital advertising. This includes introducing local customs, traditions, and arts in Egyptian governorates, providing information about local festivals and traditional crafts, supporting heritage preservation, and contributing to its conservation.

The research problem lies in the lack of awareness of local heritage, as many Egyptian governorates possess rich cultural and historical heritage that may have low awareness among local residents and visitors. Digital advertising becomes a crucial method to reach the audience.

In conclusion, shedding light on tourist attractions and local events in Egyptian governorates can enhance local tourism, stimulate the local economy, and direct awareness efforts toward important cultural aspects. Therefore, there is a need for a connection between the use of digital advertising to increase awareness of material and immaterial heritage in Egyptian governorates and the preservation and development of this heritage.

The research aims to explore the role of digital advertising in increasing awareness, promoting local tourism, and utilizing digital technology for public awareness through social media platforms. The research assumes that the use of digital advertising for promoting Egypt's material and immaterial heritage may contribute to increased awareness of the heritage of Egyptian governorates.


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