Employing Emotional Brand Strategies to Strengthen Brand Loyalty

Document Type : Original Article


Advertising department faculty of applied arts Benha university


Big brands aim to not only connect with consumers but build lasting loyalty. So with today's crowded market, consumers are looking for more than just a product or service. They want to feel connected to the brands they choose to do business with. Emotional branding is a powerful way to build that connection and create lasting loyalty. Emotional brand strategies are therefore aimed at creating a deep emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. It involves tapping into consumer sentiment and creating a positive association with the brand. They are more than just selling a product or service. It's about creating an experience that resonates with the consumer on a personal level as emotional brand strategies act on the consumer's feelings, which are often stronger than logic or reason. When a consumer feels a strong emotional connection to a brand, which creates brand loyalty, emotional brand strategies also help differentiate a brand from its competitors, creating a unique identity that resonates with consumers. Building emotional bonds with consumers requires a deep understanding of their needs and desires. Brands must be authentic, transparent, and consistent in their messages and actions. Brands can build emotional bonds by effectively communicating with consumers, creating experiences that evoke positive emotions, and interacting with consumers on a personal level. The research problem stems from the need to develop mechanisms for employing emotional brand strategies in strengthening brand loyalty. This research aims to employ brand emotional strategies in strengthening brand loyalty. The research follows the descriptive approach.


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