Taking advantage of artificial intelligence technology to study the category of details for social media ads that represents empowerment for women

Document Type : Original Article


1 advertising department ,faculty of applied arts ,helwan University ,,egypt

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Applied Arts - Helwan University



Technology has brought many changes in the field of advertising and communication. This is due to new tools that have allowed us to learn a lot about consumers and direct advertisements to them according to their interests through digital advertising means such as social media platforms, which are considered one of the most important of these tools due to their spread, large number of users, and high capabilities. To convey news, information and advertisements.

The study aimed to identify the role of artificial intelligence technology used in mobile phone applications, such as social media applications and others, in making awareness-raising advertisements for women more effective and capable of reaching the target group of the advertisement and achieving the required community awareness.

The advertising industry is no longer satisfied with creating a good ad and publishing it in advertising media appropriate to consumers, then waiting in the hope that consumers will see it and succeed in attracting their attention, and perhaps convincing them over time to buy a good or service. Companies can now use artificial intelligence to create personal files about Potential consumer behavior, and directing messages to them based on their geographical location, areas of interest, Internet browsing history, and demographic characteristics.

Artificial intelligence is one of the most important modern technology tools that can be used in designing awareness advertisements across social media platforms because of its high ability to collect user data like demographic and cultural characteristics and analyze it to design an advertising message capable of persuasion. It also ensures that the advertisement is delivered quickly. To the target group by analyzing their search engines to know their tendencies and interests and then directing advertisements that are consistent with those interests to them. It can also identify networks of acquaintances and relatives, which helps achieve the goals of community.


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