“The Philosophic vision for the heritage culture and its Impact on the artistic experiment for the artists Awad Elshimy and Saleh Abdelmoaty”

Document Type : Original Article


Graphic department, faculty of fine arts, south valley university


Nations culture heritage is the base and the main source of inspiration from which the artists learn, the heritage means the concept of the history human being and his past experiments such like manners, traditions, religious rites and folk tales and every outcome product from those experiments that the artist converts it into distinctive visual forms.
There is no doubt that the stored cultural and visual identity are the main drivers of every artist and creator which contribute directly in building up the artist personality and effecting in the future on his creative artistic vision after being formed with all the aspects of life and culture mixed with the artist feelings, his conscience and his soul.
The culture heritage had a strong impact inside Awad El Shimy, because he grew up on one of the eldest parts in Cairo, it contains Islamic architectures such like mosques that had many Islamic visual elements, that’s had a huge impact on El Shimy philosophic vision in his art, also Saleh Abdelmoaty who is born in Upper Egypt precisely in Luxor City, which is one of the eldest cities and includes a lot of ancient Egyptian, and Islamic heritage, which had the great impact in formed his personality and his artistic vision.

The researcher will study in this paper the resulting cumulative state of the surrounding culture environment, that played the important role in building the artistic philosophy vision for the culture heritage and its impact on Awad El Shimy and Saleh Abdelmoaty Graphic art.


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