Proposed vision To raising the efficiency of design education method of metal construction by Using an innovative methodology for blended learning

Document Type : Original Article


1 Metal furniture & construction Dept, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of metal furniture and constructions, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Metal Furniture and Constructions, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan university


Education is the mainstay of the progress of peoples and nations, so educational institutions seek to develop their education, and in the wake of rapid change and rapid knowledge growth, traditional teaching methods are no longer sufficient for education in the computer age and the Internet. Contemporary technological and technological developments It has become important to develop metal construction design education from traditional to modern methods that are compatible with information technology in all academic and technical aspects, Especially blended learning Method ,This development has led to the need for faculty members to acquire new skills and capabilities that enable them to employ e-learning techniques and effectively use them with traditional education in design education by developing a proposed methodology for that approach.
Based on the fact that the design is a human activity that combines creative thinking with practical work, and its effects appear in most products used by man on a daily basis, it represents the essence of the educational process that is employed to prepare a distinguished designer capable of innovation and development in his specialty. Is one of the important areas that reflect the previous philosophical vision, as it combines the theoretical and technical aspects, in addition to that design education is one of the most related areas of technological developments in general and information technology in particular, as well as its correlation and impact on the variable Social, cultural and economic environments, which usually have a bearing on the nature of the content and the methods of education and assessment that are being used.


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