The influence of Multiple Intelligence theory in determining the mental abilities of the individual from product design viewed

Document Type : Original Article


1 helwan university

2 Industrial design department faculty of applied arts Helwan university- Cairo - Egypt


The mind is purely human and its growth is at different stages and it is responsible for the distinction of human beings from other organisms, but the human itself is different with the human brother in his mental abilities Among these abilities is the intelligence that is mental energy or mental return or is the accompanying nature of the mind that works Actively, understanding, depth and speed.
The work of the mind and the field of development of intelligence in all ages and fields is the preoccupation of all sciences and is an integral part of the programs of behavioral and educational development and social activities, and how everyone seeks to develop these skills both for their children or in their studies or in the field of education
The field of “measuring intelligence and skills development” is one of the most widespread and developing fields. Knowledge and interest of this field has become one of the top priorities of all educational institutions, families and individuals. However, many theories have appeared to explain individual human intelligence. The most important of which is the theory of “multiple intelligences” for the scientist “Gardner”. Accordingly, many special measures were carried out according to each theory in an attempt to reach more accurate results in the measurement of individual intelligence. To date, these measures are still inaccurate as required, in addition to this; they are also expensive and consume a lot of time. And also they are theoretical in a way that creates boredom and monotony for the recipient. , It was necessary for the industrial designer to seek to modify this shortcoming by applying the latest theories of intelligence reached by scientists in a way that corrects all the current defects and contributes effectively in the field of measuring intelligence and skills development. Hence, the aim of the research was to try to reach this practical application of this theory and to reveal the role of the industrial designer in this field.


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ثالثا : المواقع
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