The covering technology for the building as a design parameter for interior space

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Design,Faculty of Applied Arts,Helwan University


The development of architectural thought has resulted in the spread of designs for buildings with glass facades where the technical and aesthetic aspects are available, while it has lost the most important and essential aspect which is to provide the internal environment that is healthy and suitable for the users. The most buildings with glass facades suffer from a number of problems, one of them the lower standard of life in the internal environment of these institutions, especially in the process of protection from the rays and heat of the sun and the creation of natural ventilation of those buildings. The research tackles the evolution of innovative technology for the cover of these buildings, which contributed significantly to provide an internal healthy environment for users and achieve comfort heat inside the building. The shading devices, which are designed in the outside of the building in a variety of ways, allow access to different levels of light, especially in the most advanced intelligent shading systems. They contain means by which the internal environment can be protected, and occupants and property are protected from any harm. (Sensor technology) as it is used to improve the internal environment and provide comfort requirements for users. This technology is one of those patterns that have emerged very recently and occupied our world nowadays. This led to the development of the concept of movement to show the actual movement in the facades of the buildings, whether it was in whole or in part, which makes the building interact with the surrounding climate. The study examined how the internal environment adapts with external climate change by studying the different methods and ways that are summarised by the flexibility and adaptation in various models of innovative technological methods of the exterior of the buildings, including the functional requirements and the convenience for users. Therefore, the research is an attempt to provide a clear


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