The role of interior design and furniture in the development of Egyptian tourism "designing shows Carrying the creations of ancient Egyptian civilization In international exhibitions abroad"

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Desigen and Furniture, applied arts, BSU,beni suef ,egypt


Tourism in Egypt is one of the most important elements of communication among civilizations ,a source of national income And combating unemployment. Egy pt is one of the most prominent tourist Unique Destinations With its abundance of tourist attractions OF all kinds With a strong infrastructure FROM Ingredients tourism And participates in the science of interior design As responsible for achieving comfort and beauty In different spaces As well as being an attraction To market various services and commodities So it is one of the pillars of Egyptian tourism Both internally and externally
And exploitation of the state of passion for research and entertainment The world of ancient Egyptian civilization Which contributed to its political and economic stability In the field of architecture And its interior design, furniture and other arts Which gave the Egyptian artist an opportunity Excellence and creativity This creativity is a prelude to the internal designers And furniture designers To confirm their contribution to the development of solutions to our economic problems Through participation in the design of international exhibitions As a kind of foreign propaganda To further define Egypt
Attracting tourism and foreign investment

The research deals with the problem of developing the national economy Communication and cultural interdependence With the aim of developing intellectual solutions for interior design and furniture depend on the vocabulary of the design creations of ancient Egyptian civilization And its response to international exhibitions To introduce Egypt tourism, industrial and intellectual The results are important for the creative heritage of Egyptian civilization The research recommends the importance of emphasizing the role of the interior designer And furniture designer in the development of Egyptian tourism And the importance of the Egyptian identity When designing Egyptian shows As well as the exploitation of those international events As promotional means to clarify Egypt's best tourist potential Whether recreational, therapeutic, scientific Or business tourism As a kind of activating Egyptian tourism in order to develop the national economy


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-شبکة المعلومات العامة
- صولجان-واس
- عین-حورس