E-Learning and sustainable development of the field of Apparel design in the knowledge economy

Document Type : Original Article


Apparel Department ,Higher Institute of Applied Arts the 5th Settlement -New Cairo


The knowledge economy is an economy with a special character derives its specificity from the role played by the economic growth and overall sustainable development, based on the basic tools of modern information and communication and techniques of technology, including "Internet", the basic pillars including investment in the human capital, research and development and continuing education , Where the applications of these tools and pillars have resulted in a qualitative leap in the educational process that contributes to the building and development of human resource "student" creative in many areas through the transformation of "orientation" towards E-learning as traditional education is no longer able To keep up with the age of knowledge.
The study examines how E-learning in the knowledge economy can achieve sustainable development in the field of apparel design, which can be considered the first engine for the apparel industry, which is one of the most important industries in achieving economic growth, which needs continuous development to keep abreast of global developments and changes in fashion trends. The highest level of productivity with the lowest rate of consumption of raw materials and auxiliary materials where the required quality of the final product must be obtained and maintained at the lowest economic costs to meet the needs of the current generations without prejudice to the needs of the Generations On the understanding that building and developing students' technical capacities is not an end in itself but an effective tool for achieving sustainable development goals.
In order to achieve this, the field of clothing design requires the use of a flexible and continuous educational system that offers students to develop their technical skills and help them to think and creativity, as the traditional methods and methods are no longer able to add new educational content provided to students, especially as we live today information age where the richness of knowledge and information flow, This has led to the introduction of educational mechanisms that support traditional education such as electronic education imposed by scientific and technological changes as a rich and fertile basic education environment that contributes to building the creative "student" resource, The religion of skilled "designer clothing" with high skills and abilities required by the new "knowledge economy economy" through the diversity of information, databases and communications technology and the multiplicity of forms of knowledge.


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