Collaboration with art institutions as a strategy to raise the aesthetics aspects in the state housing projects (A case study of Dar Misr housing compound Murals Alshorouk city)

Document Type : Original Article


decoration dept.-Faculty of Applied Arts-Helwan University -Cairo -Egypt


Key words:: collaboration with Art institutions –state housing projects - murals - environmental Design
Abstract: In this Era we can feel how far the economic factors quite dominate largely in the field of urban design, which led to the gradual disappearance of urbanization aesthetics. Architecture has always been the mirror of civilization, unfortunately in the mean while cities turned to became without any aesthetic identity.
With the state great efforts in expansion and establishment of new urban cities and encouraging the community members to move to these new communities and leave the densely populated capital, there is a serious need to adopt new strategies in dealing with the aesthetics aspects of planning and designing these cities, whether in the functional or aesthetical side through cooperation with Specialized colleges to contribute in turning these cities to be attractive to the population.
Research importance:
The state is giving a remarkable attention to the field of residential projects, striving to achieve excellence in terms of efficiency of design functionally and aesthetically, making it necessary to follow different strategies in dealing with these projects.
Research problem:
1 - Lack of interest in the inclusion of art work within the design plan of the state residential areas, as a way of reducing the economic cost of these projects.
2 - Neglecting the important role that Art colleges can do in the field of the state residential projects.
Research goals:
1 - Raising the aesthetic aspects of the state housing projects.
2- To benefit from the technical capabilities of Art colleges and make use of them in the community service.
3 - Achieving cooperation between state institutions and technical Art colleges in the field of environmental design aesthetics.


  1. هناک ضرورة لإنفتاح الجهات الحکومیة علی المؤسسات الأکادیمیة المتخصصة للإستفادة من خبرات الکوادر الأکادیمیة المتخصصة وابداعات الشباب و ذلک عن طریق عقد بروتوکولاتتعاون والإهتمام بتفعیل هذا التعاون للمساهمة فی حل مشکلات حقیقیة علی ارض الواقع.
  2. ضرورة الإهتمام بإدراج الأعمال الفنیة ضمن المراحل الأولی لتخطیط و تصمیم المدن، لتتکامل الأعمال الفنیة مع عناصر الحیز العمرانی ، لما له من أثر کبیر علی هویة المدن الجمالیة .
  3. یجب الإهتمام برفع المستوی الثقافی للمجتمعات العمرانیة من خلال الإهتمام بجمالیات المناطق السکنیة بمختلف مستویاتها سواء کانت إسکان إقتصادی أو متوسط أو فاخر، ووجود الأعمال الفنیة ضمن المارسات الیومیة لأفراد المجتمع ،حیث انها تساهم بشکل کبیرفی بناءهم نفسیاً و سلوکیاً.
  4. هناک ضرورة لتظافر الجهود ما بین الجهات الحکومیة و القطاع الخاص و المؤسسات الأکادیمیة المتخصصة لوضع و تفعیل خطوات جادة فی إتجاه تکوین صورة جمالیة للمدن و تشکیل ثقافة المجتمعات.


قائمة المراجع :

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  3. Meewein, Gerhard- Rodeck, Bettina- Mahnke, Frank H. Color Communication in Architectural Space. Publisher Birkhauser, 2007.