A creative vision to wood sculpture aesthetics as an approach to artistic formulation to enrich the Contemporary field sculpture

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Art Education Faculty of Education - Suez University



Wood material is considered one of the materials which is characterized by its several techniques with different formulation uses. It motivates the designer (artist) to creativity and innovation. Wood material affects greatly and deeply on the thoughts and ideas which are affected by the surrounding environment whether it is the cultural, religious or even environmental surroundungs.

Therefore, this research aims to apply and adapt the different wood techniques to adapt the wood material to serve the creative process and enrich the wood formulations and its reflection on art education students.

The reaearch problem appears in the following question:

Is it possible to benefit from the wood sculpture aesthetics to enrich the modern field sculpture with a new creative vision for art education students?

The research also aims to apply and use the environmental materials as natural wood to acheive the environmental sustanability until we reach and acheive the aesthetics value. This will be acheived through testing and creativity.

Artists and art education students can discover sculpture techniques and wood collecting to innovate artistic creative works with different visions.

Wood sculpture is considered a way to interact with the surrounding environment and society. Artists as well as art education students can use wood sculpture to give artistic expressions which can be shared and interacted with the public, it also will happen through the temporary or sustainable works which will interact with the natural elements and the surrounding environment.

On applying this creative vision on wood, sculpture can contribute to enrich the modern field of sculpture formulations by providing new creative visions and dimensionsns for the artistic expression and enlarging the fields of testing and creativity.

It also can be acheived through applying the new creative techniques with wood, merging the traditional elements with the new ones and the interaction of the artistic works with the surrounding society.

Study Problem:

How can we benefit from the artistic vision of contemporary wood sculpture aesthetics as an approach to enriching artistic formulations for students in art education?

From this, the following questions arise:

• How can the aesthetics of wood sculpture formulations be utilized in producing sculptural works with a contemporary creative vision?

• How can students in art education create new artistic formulations through studying the aesthetics of contemporary wood sculpture?


Main Subjects