Designing Clothes for the elderly using modern technological to protect against fall injuries

Document Type : Original Article


1 fashion department . faculaty of applied arts . benha university

2 Banha Administration - Faculty of Applied Arts - Banha University - Cairo


Worldwide, the growth of the elderly population is very rapid compared to other age groups. The elderly belong to the fastest growing population group in the world. Aging is considered a very important stage, as it is similar in some aspects to childhood. Children in the early stages of their development need special attention and continuous distinct care with them until they enter the stage of youth. This group needs a complete understanding of some of the physical and psychological changes that it goes through during its life. Therefore, the elderly represent a category of society and a stage of life that must be taken care of. Therefore, the fashion sector and clothing manufacturers must adopt their special needs and requirements and take into account that the clothes are... Practical, comfortable, large in size, and compatible with the physical changes that have occurred to them. One of the most important of these changes is the decline in the physical ability of the elderly with age, which increases the possibility of falling. Falls are considered one of the most common geriatric syndromes that threaten the independence of the elderly. Falls are the main cause. The second is death due to accidents in the world. An elderly person who has had a fall and has not been discovered for a long time will bring many possible consequences. Using clothing that provides protection from falls will help prevent or mitigate potential consequences, especially hip fractures, as they are considered one of the most devastating problems and are a major cause of long-term disability and can lead to a rapid shortening of the healthy years of life for the elderly, and reduce the time between the occurrence of the event and the arrival of help. Medical.

From this standpoint, the research aims to design and implement a jacket that helps reduce fall injuries for the elderly by incorporating a new method of hip protection, which is an inflatable hip protector, by integrating it with sensors to detect falls before collision. This idea was taken from the idea of the Air Bag for cars. With the integration of GPS technology to monitor the movement of the elderly and reduce the time between the occurrence of the event and the arrival of medical assistance. The research follows the descriptive analytical approach in the theoretical framework and the experimental approach in the practical experience.


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