Simulation of the textile design of Arabic shemagh using the decorative textile weave structure

Document Type : Original Article


Umm-Alqura University - College of Design


The Arabic Shemagh is considered one of the hallmarks of Arab fashion culture. The designers put design lines that match the fashion lines. So this study explores new ideas and techniques by using the decorative textile weave structure which represents a rich source of aesthetic and artistic formation. It creates a textile effect by merging basic textile construction and counts a weft and warp yarns., yarns color is reorganized to give a distinctive color. Additionally, new ways of a decorative draw in are used to have different patterns that look like jacquard design which simulates the design process of Arabic shemagh that depends on a geometrical model of decorative patterns from extra weft. The study was based on descriptive and functional approach. In this study, defects were identified that affect the appearance of the Arab Shaghm design and the age of consumption. Structural data were analyzed for samples of shemagh (textile structure - decorative effect - number of threading weft and warp yarns - weight per square meter for both the Venus and Kannar area in shemagh) to guide and simulate the applied design of the shemagh fabric
The most important findings of this study are the possibility of simulating of the Arabic shemagh that depends on pattern style of extra warp into new design that gives similar appearance effect with different touch based on different textile composite and numbering order and color system of weft fibers. Also, we could get lighter weight and overcome the problem of fiber damage of the pattern on the design surface.


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