Design system to benefit from fashion brands In printed designs for ladies' fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


Ahram canadian University - Cairo - Egypt


Brand is a brand that identifies and distinguishes companies and products. It gives the right impression. Trademarks are more than logos or marketing languages. They are icons that point to society and reflect its priorities, preferences and values. With the growth and growth of trademarks and increased competition, brands have become one of the most important and most powerful elements. They inspire the creation of a distinct and clear mental image of the institution. It also makes it easier for the recipient to remember them permanently.
Brand design is the development of the brand's visual identity, which is the beginning of the problem in the design of trademarks. The first steps in designing a brand begin by developing an idea that explains the basis of the brand and the development of its future and the creation of a foundation or base for all brand activities. A trademark is a symbol associated with a particular content or idea when it is seen. It brings to mind what this idea is. It is also a unique name or symbol used to distinguish a product from other products by an organization, company or individual with legal protection
The presence of a distinctive personality of the brand involved in the construction of advertising, colors, shapes, to become the largest brand of any product or service. It is necessary that the brand is able to look to the future to determine how to retain the brand in order to face new generations of consumers. A trademark is an optical language that helps to support the consumer's connection to consumers. Wrong who believes that the logo is a trademark or an identity, each logo, identity and brand have different concepts and roles that together form a concrete image of the enterprise, organization. Brand Is the picture
And the impression reflected by the company or the institution as a whole, identity is the visual aspects that form part of the total brands, logo is the mark or symbol that defines the project or institution in its simplest forms.
The design system is one of the innovative ways to take advantage of the structural of various brands and use them in an innovative design, resulting in innovative designs that enrich the printing of ladies' fabrics.


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