Integrity of the components in the unique abstract sculptural-group human bodies and movements

Document Type : Original Article


College of Education, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia.


The sculpture collection consists of several elements, achieve a total aesthetic expression and values, and rely on the integration of all elements of the group, And the beginning of research groups since ancient times appeared in ancient Egyptian art as well as in Greek art and others, However, the research dealt more in detail with contemporary sculptural groups, such as Henry Moore's work from the West and sculptor Salwa Shoqir from the East.
Where sculptor Henry Moore is one of the most famous sculptors, who are famous for the work of groups in Western sculpture, this was evident in the statue of the laying down who appeared that Henry Moore's have worked a series of them since 1929, The development of work was in several stages until the seventies, in this work became Each part have its own personality in form and function. Where it was in years of 1952 - 1953. Looking for a relationship about the participation in the surrounding, by trying to promote or follow the direction of view, but this time spread itself around the surroundings became a key part in it, the surrounding became an essential part of the composition.
This idea is also found in the work of the Arab sculptor Salwa Shoqir, whose work was divided into several units of two or three parts, or more, overlapping above some and integrated to give the final geometric shape may be the emptiness is an essential part of the composition for Salwa Shoqir Such as the works of sculptor Henry Moore's.
It is noteworthy that Salwa Shoqir is involved with sculptor Henry Moore in the division of labor into multiple units, but did not express their aggregates in an organic manner such as Moore's work. However, it is expressed in a geometric abstraction, which is one of the means of linking the integration of one group.The research included some experiments that achieve the objective of the sculptural groups and their characteristics and between the research of the name of work and the expression and the method of execution and the raw materials used and examples of these works such as (Dialogue between two brothers and Bali).
These experiments test in each of them some variables, noting the possibility of integration of elements in one group. in each experiment.


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