The important Iconic symbolism press photographs that Contributed to changing historical events (photos made history )

Document Type : Original Article


1 باحثة الدكتوراه بقسم الفوتوغرافيا والسينما والتليفزيون بكلية الفنون التطبيقية ـ جامعة حلوان

2 Applied Arts Helwan Unversity

3 Faculty of mass communication , Department of Radio and Television Cairo University


There is no doubt that photography has a powerful impact on public opinion and on people. It can be etched into the collective memory and affect people's emotions. A single image can change the course of historical events, the outcome of wars, create new laws, and abolish outdated ones.

Photography is a universal and understandable language that spreads quickly like a virus, and its impact is powerful. Therefore, this research will focus on the most powerful iconic photojournalistic images that have changed the course of many global events.

There is no doubt that the battle that is raging today between the major industrialized countries and their domination of poor countries is a battle for control of the image in all its forms and meanings, starting with live television images via satellite, to cinema images, cartoons , and children's books

Photojournalism has had a profound impact on political decisions throughout history, influencing public opinion, exposing injustices, and even shaping the course of wars.

Here are some of the ways it has achieved this:

1. Raising awareness and influencing public opinion

2. Exposing human rights abuses and injustices

3. Holding those in power accountable

4. Shaping the narrative of wars and conflicts

Photographs can be manipulated or presented out of context, and their interpretation can be influenced by individual biases and cultural perspectives. However, at its best, photojournalism can be a powerful tool for informing the public, promoting social justice, and holding those in power accountable.

The Rise of Citizen Journalism: With the proliferation of smartphones and social media, the line between traditional photojournalism and citizen journalism has blurred. Images captured by ordinary people during protests, uprisings, or natural disasters can quickly go viral, influencing public opinion and putting pressure on authorities.

Ethical Considerations: While the power of photojournalism is undeniable, it raises ethical concerns. Images can be manipulated, captions can be misleading, and the portrayal of sensitive subjects requires careful consideration.

Long-Term Impact: The impact of photojournalism can go beyond immediate reactions and influence long-term trends.

Countering Propaganda: In an age of disinformation and fake news, photojournalism plays a critical role in fact-checking and countering propaganda.

These are just a few examples of the complexities and nuances surrounding the impact of photojournalism on political decisions.


Main Subjects