The effect of standardizing some parts of the mold on the design economies of glass production Application to tableware produced by pressing method

Document Type : Original Article


Glass applied arts helwan un. Cairo egypt



The glass industry is a vital sector of the global economy, being used in a wide range of architectural, artistic and industrial applications. The glass manufacturing process is an expensive process that requires advanced techniques and equipment, so working on improving and developing the glass mold represents an important challenge for its manufacture. This calls for consideration of the impact of standardizing some mold parts in glass production on design economies and improving efficiency and quality.

Mold standardization is one of the modern technologies used in the glass industry. This technology aims to improve the economics of the glass production process by unifying the process of making molds used in production. Mold standardization is one of the important innovations in the field of glass. Which leads to improving production quality and reducing costs and time spent in the production process. An application to the second year industrial glass design course.

Research problem:

The glass industry faces multiple challenges in the process of designing and producing glass products, including financial and time costs and working to improve the quality of the products. Therefore, the glass mold is a critical element in achieving these goals, and non-standard mold parts limit design flexibility, making it difficult to provide innovative products.

And diversified to the market. Therefore, this research focuses on studying the effect of standardizing some parts of the mold on the economics of design in the glass production process.

Research goal:

This study aims to determine the effect of standardizing some parts of the mold in the glass production process on the economics of the design. And developing new principles and standards to improve the efficiency of glass production and reduce costs and manufacturing time.

Research importance:

- Increasing the economic return by improving the efficiency of glass manufacturing processes by reducing production time and costs and producing multiple designs that meet consumer and market requirements.

Research assumes:

Unifying some parts of the mold will contribute to improving the quality of manufactured products and will also reduce the cost and manufacturing time required to complete the production process.

Research limits:

The effect of standardization of some parts of the mold on the economics of design in the glass industry will be discussed.


Main Subjects