Standards for applying augmented reality in the information design of the packages provided to the child

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of applied arts Helwan university-Egypt

2 Faculty of Applied arts Helwan university-Egypt

3 Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University - Egypt


In light of the technological development, we have witnessed an increase in interest in augmented reality technology, which can be used to provide packages enhanced with information and entertainment content and provide a unique interactive experience, for the category of child consumers.

The study aimed to reach standards for the application of augmented reality technology in designing and improving information through the packages provided to children, which pushes the child to request the product again and again, enhance his interaction with the products, and create emotional links between him and the product.

Hence the problem of research through what standards must be taken into account when designing information for the packages provided to the child by taking advantage of the augmented reality technology, and the research assumes that the application of augmented reality provided to the child may contribute to educating him and establishing strong links between him and the product and achieve better interactive results, and it is assumed that there are several criteria that must be taken when applying augmented reality technology in designing information for the package provided to the child.

The research aims to reach standards for the application of augmented reality technology in the design of information for the package provided to the child consumer. The research methodology is based on the descriptive analytical approach Then the analytical study, The limits of research through the objective limits of the standards for the application of augmented reality in the design of information for the child's packages.


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