The challenge of bio materials in the field of architecture through the scope of sustainability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Education Administration, Egypt, Cairo, Al-Shorouk Academy for Engineering

2 Higher Education Administration Egypt Cairo. Al-Shorouk Academy for Engineering


Nowadays sustainable development plans and quality of life criterions directed all the researchers and the industry towards the zero emission products especially in the construction field. On the other hand, bio materials are elected to be one of the sustainable categorized materials and recent advances in bio-based materials research have reached multiple solutions for the construction sector. But it did not sound all over the world, although such materials can play an effective role in architecture and the construction field. The paper is an over view that display and evaluate the usage of bio materials in the construction process all over the life cycle of the building; as means of sustainability to ensure its efficiency. The paper is shading on the advancements of timber to be a role model in evaluating the various known bio materials to reach the latest advancements in bio materials in architecture and the construction field.

Keywords: Bio materials, bio-based materials, timber, sustainability, effective maintenance

Recently Bio based materials (BBCM) become the role model for the sustainable materials in the laboratories and they show quick advances. The presence of these advances is affected by means of two factors; the first one was the announcement for the importance of quality of life and sustainability which pushed the researchers toward the challenge in the reduction of the energy consumption in the construction process and the usage of the zero carbon materials, and the researchers declared that these materials can be used as an alternative to the construction materials that polluted the environment and consumed more energy, they also confirmed that these materials are sustainable as they have flexibility and can efficiently store carbon and counterbalancing emissions from other materials, but they still have little properties that have to be controlled.


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