Employing Modern Artificial Intelligence Technologies to Support Design Education Processes in The Field of Metal Furniture.

Document Type : Original Article


Helwan University Faculty of Applied Arts


As a result of the rapid waves of contemporary change in the fields of knowledge, science, and technology, the designer has become more capable of generating knowledge, innovating applications, and employing them within a superior framework made possible by modern technology, which culminated in in-depth studies of human intelligence and how to simulate it in the form of computer programs that allow the completion of work that requires a degree of intelligence and experience. necessary to keep pace with development. This can be summarized in artificial intelligence systems that have succeeded in simulating human intelligence methods and transferring part of it to programming systems related to design, using several techniques that include sensing, understanding, planning, learning, environmental simulation, decision-making, solving complex problems, and learning from previous experiences. And imitate patterns. According to these variables, it has become assumed and necessary for the educational process in the field of design to keep pace with the current developments of the current era in order to ensure awareness of the continuous acceleration in the global development of this field.

So, the research problem is The urgent need to study the multiple capabilities of artificial intelligence technologies, and how to link them to contemporary design education variables and the relationship of the above to design management processes and design processes, and to explore how to make the most of these capabilities to achieve the goals of the design education process efficiently and effectively.

The research aims to monitor the elements, components and methods of applying artificial intelligence in the field of design education, and how to make the most of its various applications while investigating the expected risks of its use in this field, anticipating a more advanced future in the field of design education.

Given the current implications, it is expected that artificial intelligence systems will penetrate all areas of future life, the most important of which is education and the preparation of future cadres. Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate future developments and link them to the field of metal furniture design by monitoring and analyzing in preparation for anticipating the future of design in light of development. Accelerating technology.


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