The Role of Graphically Designed Mascots in Enriching the Design of User Interface for Digital Applications

Document Type : Original Article


Graphic Department.Faculty of Fine Arts.Alexandria University.Alexandria.Egypt



Mascots are considered one of the most important symbols that distinguish a brand and make good visual communication between the user and the brand. Nowadays, brand mascots have become real and animated, as the use of brand mascots increases the user’s attention, recalls his memory, and builds the company’s reputation and represents its brand. They are considered Digital applications are part of our daily life. They are our window to the world. We must pay attention to designing amulets in digital applications.

The design of user interfaces for some digital applications may lack an element of attraction for the user, which affects his desire to use the application. Therefore, we highlight the importance of using mascots in enhancing the visual identity of the application brand, as mascots are considered part of the logo and have an emotional link between the brand and its users, and the mascot It has the ability to deliver the message in an effective way as it is considered one of the very effective forms of visual communication. The design of the mascot’s shape, color, and expressions play a major role in attracting the user and encouraging him to use the application. The mascot is usually in the form of a human, animal, or plant, and it has a major role in attracting the interest of users and those who are not interested as well.

Therefore, the research deals with highlighting the interest in designing mascots as a symbol of the brand and its use in digital applications, as they appear in the application as characters with different facial expressions to deliver a message to the user, and encouraging mascots in educational applications, and others that urge the user to do a specific thing and are also the icon of the application. Examples of digital applications that use mascots were presented and used in the application, interacting with the user and making them attractive. Some advantages of using mascots in designing digital applications were also presented, which encourage the designer to apply them, which helps the application be easy to use and attractive to the user.


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