Studying the Impact of Green Technologies as Alternative Energy on the Interior Design Life Cycle (Pre-Design Studies Phase)

Document Type : Original Article


Interior design and furniture, Applied arts, Helwan, Egypt


The twenty-first century has witnessed significant and various technological advancements across diverse fields, giving rise to novel concepts seeking to integrate technical development with environmental trends to reduce the negative influences resulting from these technologies, such as the consumption of electricity, the depletion of resources, and the resulting waste and the difficulty of recycling them.

Green technologies are one of those concepts that represent a promising solution to environmental issues by applying principles of environmental science. Although science is constantly working towards developing new ways of generating and harvesting diverse energy sources, their integration may not always align with building design or merge seamlessly with interior or exterior spaces. The research covered a range of points that discuss the possibility of applying green technology in interior design. These questions are as follows: What are the criteria for choosing a designer for green technology? Does studying project consumption for electricity affect the choice of the designer for the application of green technologies or not? Do green technologies require special equipment, and can these equipment affect the design phase? Is there a relation between the project environment and the efficiency of operating green technologies?

The research presents a different vision for the project study phase from the perspective of green technologies. This perspective presents a set of preliminary studies that precede the design and application phase to achieve energy efficiency and reduce the project consumption of electricity without affecting the design of the constructed building. By adopting this perspective, the concept and stages of interior design can become more comprehensive and contribute to utilizing modern green technologies that align with environmental standards. The research has dealt with a set of standards as a guideline for designers to choose and apply green technologies according to the project capability so that the interior design will aim to meet the needs of both the current user and the future user to preserve the rights of future generations, in a way that does not contradict the functional and aesthetic aspects of the design.


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