The impact of biological designs on graphic design

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of fine art - alexandria universty


Exploring the integration of Biomimicry with Graphic Design represents one of the many ways to create a more stable and sustainable world. It can be said that it is one of the most effective means to create conditions parallel to life. Before exploring how Biomimicry can help find more sustainable solutions, the research discusses several points, including a historical overview of biological designs , then the way of thinking about nature, divided into Nature as Model: studying ideal nature models, drawing inspiration from their designs and processes to solve human problems sustainably. Nature as Measure: using ecological standards to judge our innovations, according to the principles of life. Nature as Mentor: the relationship with nature has evolved, from seeing nature as a source of raw materials, to a source of ideas for problem-solving, it is a teacher with the wisdom and knowledge for survival and sustainable living.

Then, the research discusses the methodology of Biomimicry, which is simulation or innovation inspired by nature. Then it explains the methodology of graphic design and then the fourteen principles of biophilic design, which are1.Self-assembly from the start 2.Waste = food 3.Develop solutions, don't plan for them.4. Adapt to changing circumstances,5. align with "here" and "now Respect diversity and use diversity to fill all positions,6.Appropriate technologies for oneself, 7.Be resourceful,8.Improve, don't inflate,9.Use life-friendlychemistry, 10.Organize fractally,11.The whole system is greater than the sum of its parts,12.Benefit from mutual dependence and feedback loops.

Don't spoil a hatch then explain the principles and elements of general design and then divide them into Form: 1. Form follows function 2. Mimicry 3. Self-similarity 4. Symmetry 5. Unified linkage systems 1. Convergence and Feedback Cycle 2. "Hey" law 3. Hierarchical sequence of needs 4. Life cycle Thirdly, Thinking: 1. Depth processing 2. The five thinking hats 3. The mental model. At the end of the research, different shapes such as circle, triangle, and spiral are discussed, understanding their concepts and how to connect them using abstract principles that reflect the way nature designs. They can be applied to all stages of graphic design with mention of some case studies.


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