Studying basics and principles of Motion Picture Design for 360 Degree Projection Devices for New Media

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Photography, Cinema, and Television Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 photography ,cinema and tv department , faculty of applied arts, helwan university


motion picture design for 360-degree projection devices for new media such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality requires artists to follow various artistic rules, such as the well-known principles of composition to arrange elements and achieve visual balance, as well as to present content, ideas, and information in an attractive and effective manner. This applies to any artistic work, whether it be a painting, a picture, a video, or 2D or 3D graphics, regardless of the medium, as in the design of images for older media like cinema and television. However, there are additional principles that significantly impact design, such as guiding the user within virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experiences to ensure they can use and navigate the interface quickly, such as using text within new media applications to provide information, direct users, maintain their focus, enhance user experience, and understand visually comfortable areas during 360-degree viewing. This involves placing interface elements and content in these areas to keep the user from getting distracted, enabling user movement and navigation within virtual environments, and providing real-world feedback in new media applications through interactions like gestures, voice, and spatial control and tracking devices to enhance the user’s sense of realistic interaction. It is also important to consider the environment and quality of models when designing new media applications for augmented and mixed reality, which involve merging the real and digital worlds, ensuring that virtual objects and elements are clear and visible in any environment or background where the user is located, and that the applications run smoothly to maintain the interaction of virtual objects and elements within the environment. Interaction with objects should be facilitated through motion controllers or a combination of visual tracking and hand tracking. The design must be user-centered, understanding the requirements of users and the targeted age group, and considering user interface patterns, which are models, designs, and guidelines aimed at providing exceptional and effective user experiences.


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