Artificial intelligence applications to design desert-inspired clothing using recycled polyester

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer - Clothing and Fashion Technology Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Banha University


Applying artificial intelligence (AI) in designing clothing inspired by desert environments using recycled polyester from plastic waste involves using advanced algorithms to create innovative fashion pieces. The process begins with gathering data and insights from the desert landscape, such as color schemes, textures and patterns. Artificial intelligence applications then analyze this information to generate unique design concepts that reflect the aesthetics and characteristics of desert environments.

Derived from plastic waste, recycled polyester represents an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional polyester, derived from non-renewable resources such as petroleum, helping designers reduce raw material demand and divert harmful pollutants from landfills and oceans.

The AI-driven design of the resulting garments is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also environmentally friendly, leveraging the use of technology to revolutionize the fashion industry towards sustainability.

The research dealt with revealing the potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize the design of clothing, inspired by desert environments using recycled polyester. The applied aspect of the research included two parts:

First: creating 24 designs inspired by the desert environments in Egypt (Siwa Oasis) using artificial intelligence applications, namely Lexica, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney. The designs were built on two axes: (the first axis: verifying the applications of artificial intelligence and their connection to the source of inspiration), (the second axis). (Innovativeness and compatibility of designs with materials). The validity and reliability of the statements of the two axes were verified, and a questionnaire was conducted on the designs to ensure verification of the two axes.

Second: Conducting some laboratory tests (in one of the specialized centers) on the recycled polyester material from plastic to identify its properties and compare it to traditional polyester, and to ensure its suitability for use in the manufacture of sustainable clothing. The tests included (resistance to explosion - air permeability - resistance to static electricity - resistance to balling) Topping - Friction - Estimation of elongation and resilience in fabrics - Degree of appearance - Twisting - Degree of color fastness to light - Resistance to ignition).

By integrating artificial intelligence and sustainable materials, we create a more responsible and environmentally conscious approach to fashion, celebrating the beauty of nature while minimizing harmful impacts on the planet.


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