The Role of Universal Interior Design Principles and Their Impact on Mobile Banking Units

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of applied arts Helwan university


Administrative facilities especially banks and financial institutions are crucial service facilities that require interior design that meets the needs of customers from all demographics particular-ly those with diverse mobility, auditory, visual and verbal capabilities including (senior, wheelchair users, pregnant women, parents with strollers…etc). The research problem is high-lighted by the fact that some mobile banks face various issues including the lack of suitability of banking premises to function in a manner that accommodates the needs of diverse de-mographics. Among these issues are anthropometric and ergonomic standards that may be suitable for some groups but not others meaning that the interior design of these facilities must consider the diversity of needs and abilities of all potential users.

The significance of the research lies in the direction towards the concept of Universal Design, placing human diversity, needs, and requirements at the core of the design process. The re-search aims to focus on designing a mobile banking space that meets the needs of a targeted group of Universal Design advocates (elders, individuals with disabilities, pregnant women, and stroller users) irrespective of their age, size or abilities. The objective is to achieve good design so that individuals can access use and understand desired services independently, safe-ly and comfortably with multiple means without requiring external assistance, modifications or specialized solutions. The research concludes that Universal Design significantly contributes to designing mobile banking spaces that meet the needs of the targeted Universal Design advo-cates. In this study we will present the concept of Universal Design principles and how interi-or design of banking units can be addressed to accommodate the needs of customers (elders, individuals with disabilities, pregnant women and stroller users).


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