Developing metacognitive thinking through the semantics of the advertisement idea

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Advertising DepartmentHigher Institute of Applied Arts the 5th Settlement -New Cairo


The advertisement idea is the core base of any advertising campaign, due to its great potency to express the targeted advertising message and achieve the communication objective. It can be adapted and composed to support the values, behavior and culture of the society, attain an effective positive social value and fulfill the marketing, commercial and economical objectives. This can be achieved through the symbolic implications, meanings and contents of the advertisement idea; which might be well known, or created by the designer according to its appropriateness to the idea. These implications and meanings hold deduced ideas that express the context of the advertising message, so; they convey substantial images fraught with moral and sentimental connections that stimulate the receiver to recall the internal cognitive information to try to extract and understand the symbolic meaning of the idea.
Therefore; the important role that the metacognitive thinking strategies play in the field of advertising should be noted, as well as their function in the receiving, understanding and comprehending processes, because they help the audience revive their reading behaviors and strategies which can facilitate understanding and comprehending the symbols; and decide which of these symbols they understand and which they don’t. Metacognitive thinking can also assist the audience obtain self insight about their cognitive domain and structure, in addition to the ability to make decisions; as metacognitive thinking is the awareness of an individual of the processes they conduct through different situations of receiving the advertisement ideas.

Any advertising campaign is originally based on its idea; as it is the main element for its success; and the accomplishment of the whole communication process.
; the designer should thoroughly consider the utilized advertising idea and how it engages the design elements; as well as the symbolic indications; in consistency with the nature of the targeted audience, their culture and past experiences.
Symbolic indications are derived from the culture and values of the society, so it brings its individuals together; despite their differences; due to its general accepted meaning. It is undeniable that employing symbolic indications in the advertising idea attracts the receiver’s attention, thus; stimulate their thinking levels which cause them to use metacognitive strategies to interpret the advertising idea, conceive its meanings; and interact with it. These strategies also make the receiver autonomously recognize their actions, as well as their mental and intellectual processes in comprehending the required advertising idea.


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