Semiotics Approach as a Method to Analyze the Visual Language of Architecture (A Semiotics Analysis of the tomb of Khety -One of Rock-Cut Tombs of Beni Hasan Minya)

Document Type : Original Article


1 architectural department- faculty of engineering - Cairo university

2 Professor -Architectural department- faculty of engineering- Cairo University

3 Architectural department- faculty of engineering- Cairo University


Semiotics approach is one of the most modern analyzes and criticism approaches that moved from linguistics to other fields of knowledge, including the architectural products since 1960. This paper aims to shed light on the meaning of semiotics, its importance and its different applied fields that architecture has considered one of them. Discussing appropriateness and accessibility of the semiotics for reading and interpretation of visual texts of the architectural language ends introduce a model for architectural reading based on the semiotic analysis tools to test how to employ and apply this analytical approach to interpret the hidden meaning behind the architectural forms, by applying it on the selected case study (the tomb of Khiti -one of the rock cut tombs of Beni Hassan in Minya).
Key Words: Semiotics, Semiotics Analysis, Semiotics Tools, Visual Text, Architectural Language.
Research objective
- The main objective: To formulate a model based on the elements or tools of semiotics to read the vocabulary and syntax of the visual texts of the architectural language hence test the appropriateness and flexibility of the semiotics approach to apply in architecture, and try to interpret and read whose meanings according to its social and cultural backgrounds.
- Secondary objectives: - recognize the meaning of semiotics, its significance, importance and applied fields. - identify the meaning of semiotics analysis and its tools, its main characteristics, and its various application fields (such as architecture).
- To identify the notion of signs according to the pioneers of modern semiotics.
Research Methodology
The research follows the descriptive analytical method and consists of the following: a framework included an introduction, the aims and the methodology, followed by the theoretical part that presents the definitions and the notions of the paper (the concept of semiotics, the concept of the semiotics analysis and its tools, notion of the signs according to the pioneers of modern semiotics (Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sander Peirce and Ogden and Richards). Then moved to the analytical applied part that explore how the semiotics approach or the semiotic tools are employed to interpret the text in the building. And how to apply those tools to read and interpret the meaning of the forms, structures, and organization even the layout of the selected case study .The conclusions and results of the research are summarized in last Section.


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