modern cinema and TV techniques used in the manufacture of drama

Document Type : Original Article


1 Greater Amman Municipality

2 Dean of the Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 5th assembly Professor, Department of Photography, Cinema and Television, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Professor, Department of Photography, Cinema and Television, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The research deals with modern cinema and TV techniques used in the manufacture of drama and how to use it in the film and TV industry, especially in light of this digital transformation witnessed by this industry, in addition to the role played by this technology in the quality of the cinematic and digital TV image both in the production stage, Lighting and output or post-production, which includes the processes of editing and color correction and visual effects, and the research is divided into
1- The theoretical study includes the following:
The subject of the research is the study of modern cinema and TV techniques used in the drama industry.
Research problem
1- The scarcity of studies dealing with digital technology in the field of TV film production.
2- Lack of knowledge of the staff of the technicians of modern technologies affecting the form of film and TV image of cameras, digital lenses and lighting devices and tools and the role of this in the process of film and TV production.
Research hypotheses:
1. If digital technology is used scientifically, this will lead to development in the drama industry.
2. If digital technology is used well, this will contribute to the functional and aesthetic goals of the image for TV.
3. What is the effective role of digital technology in the drama industry?
4. Does digital technology require special specifications in TV production stages?
Research Methodology:
1- The researcher will follow the descriptive analytical method to try to describe, study and analyze the characteristics and advantages of digital technology to highlight its important and effective role in the drama industry.
The aim of the research:
The aim of the research is to study digital technology and highlight its role in the drama industry. The research aims at spreading awareness and following the rapid development of digital technology.


اولا: المراجع العربیة
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-ثانیا: المراجعة الاجنبیة
1- "ALEXA Brochure", white paper, ARRI Corporation, Germany.
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ثالثا: المواقع الإلکترونیة
2- 11-5-2019
5-      http:// www. dedolight. Com / dedolight / default. 11-5-2019
6-      http: // www. kinoflo. Com11-5-2019