Mind Map and Their Role in developing creative thinking (Case Study Arts & Design Students)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of arts & design MSA University


Thought is the form and mental processes performed by the human mind, which enables him to model the world in which he lives, and thus enable him to deal with him more effectively to achieve its goals and plans and desires.
Thinking is the interaction of a person's mental structures with the outside world, the interaction between what is within the self and what is outside creates new ideas and concepts. It is an activity that uses symbols such as images, meanings, words, numbers, memories, signs, expressions and substitutions that replace things, people, In order to understand a specific subject, so thinking is the highest cognitive function to be analyzed.
One of the main objectives of education is to raise thinking level for the student to be able to practice abstract thinking.
Based on this definition, the student needs knowledge so that he can think well and deals correctly with the problems, but many students are not good at using their previous knowledge despite the availability of knowledge they have and the reason of that, their inability to retrieve their information and knowledge.
The plastic processing includes thinking, feelings and emotions, and includes creativity with cognitive skills. Then the teacher has to encourage students on reflection, meditation, analysis and initiatives and not to suppress, reject, underestimate or disregard to them.
Hence, the research problem is focused on how to teach the students to deal with their information and learn from their previous experiences, and how the teacher help them to use their minds to interact with the activities and experiences because interacting is one of the basic rules of thinking.


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