The visual language for dramas expressing psychological reality and the Emotional Aspects

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of photography, cinema,television- faculty of Applied arts- Helwan university

2 Photography,cinematography and television department - faculty of Applied arts - Helwan university - Giza - Egypt

3 Helwan University, Applied art


Abstract: The drama produced its own visual language, with its vocabulary, rules and methods, through which it managed to transcend the local language barrier. The combination of lighting, lighting, shadows, color, motion within the shot, lenses, sizes of shots, motion and angles of the camera is the vocabulary of screen language for drama. Is the primary or secondary unit of the scene, From a shot overlapping with another through the montage, the scenes are composed, the beauty of the shot and its flow or collision with the next shot and the length of the shot or shortness and limit how fast or slow the opposing emotions contained in these stills produces the meaning of what involves the directors of photography and scenes with him in the conclusion of this effect becomes his role positively in the receiving process and form at the same time, communication between him and the viewer channels through hearing and sight together.
Director of Photography is responsible for the construction of the visual method through which drama works, which expresses the human soul and the emotional aspects and presents it through his dramatic work, to add to it meanings, ideas and relationships and the dimensions of psychological and humanity with semantics and symbols explain the dramatic work and add to him. Dramatic works that express the psychological reality and the emotional Aspects. Psychological state (mood) to the director of photography has a great role in the dramatic work perfectly completed.
Research problem: The expression is in visual language of cases of psychological disorder, or mental and neurological diseases, or psychological phenomena, or the Emotional Aspects phenomena that control behavior, Resulting from repressed sensations, passionate emotions, dominant thoughts, or overwhelming feelings, which in one's mind briefly turn into Visions and forms that only the artist can express through thought and philosophy through which he employs his expressive tools for visual language, for the production of visual texts that express the psychological reality and emotional aspects.
The research problem can be summarized in: How can the psychological phenomenon be described in visual language to be used in dramas?
Research Methodology: Descriptive analytical approach.


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