Cognitive and skill requirements to achieve aesthetic proportions and balance Using gold ratios and fractal geometry in media photography.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Al-Alsun & Mass Communication Misr International University.


Because the nature of man's life on earth is based on evolution, at all times human beings have a new observation, a new interpretation of phenomena, new ways of control, new ideas being generated, new sciences being created, theories and techniques becoming history, and gigantic civilizations emerging. Nature remains the inspiration of the first creative artist, through which man discovered hundreds of years BC the golden proportions of the visual balance of the virtues of the creation of God, the aesthetic proportions were used in all the man-made arts such as architecture, photography, furniture, and other arts, The natural development of mathematics, engineering, and the observation of the repetition of geometric forms in nature has led to an interest in the structure of cognitive mathematics and the relationship of mathematics to other natural sciences. Things in nature have their natural characteristics In addition; it was the search for a mathematical explanation for things in astronomy, environmental sciences and atmospheric phenomena. When Mandelbrot thought that clouds were not balls, that mountains were not cones, and that the coasts were not circles, (Fractal Geometry) or (geometry of fractions) means research in the partial components of mathematical forms or things in nature according to a set of mathematical characteristics. The various roles of computer applications from specialized graphics programs based on fractal geometry emerged. This study examines these aesthetics, inspired by nature, to use them and employ their innovations in raising the aesthetic values ​​of media images whether fixed or moving. Media or student who prepares for it
The golden ratio has been claimed to have held a special fascination for at least 2,400 years, although without reliable evidence.


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