Arabic lettering as a Visual Icon in Logo design

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwam University


The Arabic alphabet is considered heritage of civilization and a declarative miracle. it's attached to literature thinking and religion. And once the man invented the shape of letters the writing emerged through civilization. The Arabic letters are characterized by the singular is ability to to be drawn in Multiple and distinctive shapes ranging between flexible and rigid. this special characteristic enabled altering The Familiar shapes of the letters. So, flexibility of these letters was the reason behind the emergence of different styles of Arabic fonts.
The Arabic letters was an important mean of education and learning, later it became a manifestation of beauty. so, it has been improved and varied to become an artistic luxury no nation ever became an art of perfection, from the view of Islamic philosophy to perfection and integrality as synonyms of beauty or as a first witness to itز
As a result of the distinctive characteristics of the Arabic letters such as its flexibility, and formability, being stretched or circled, added corners to it, or overlapped the letters, being connected or separated, all that made it easier to combine them with the abstract symbols which made it possible to restructure the letters as a visual icon and in the field of logo design.
On this basis, the care of research is to study how the Arabic letters can be utilised as a visual icon in logo design. by presenting different examples and analyse some of it. And study advantages of the Arabic letters such as flexibility and diverse formations which led it to be an aesthetic visual icon in the field of logo design.
The study showed that The utilization of Arabic letters as a visual icon in logo design plays a great role reinforcing the Arabic culture and identity and facing the different foreign cultures, globalization imposed upon the society. In addition to that, The flexibility of the Arabic letter gives it the ability to be shaped in different ways that could serve the purpose of any logo. Because The design of the Arabic letter as a visual icon in logo design combines the verbal and pictorial representation. and The Arabic letter’s shape as a valuable and abstract sole element underlines the aesthetic and functional sides in logo design.
The researcher then presents recommendations and references.


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