Mutual influence between Human and Environment: the concept of Vernacular Design and Its Relation to Sustainability in Interior Space

Document Type : Original Article


Interior design and furniture/Faculty of applied arts/Helwan University


Throughout history, mankind has tended to strengthen its relations with nature in order to maintain its continuity. This can be instinctively understood in trying to meet the main human needs from natural resources. This was also reflected in the sciences that deal with the relationship between man and the environment and the mutual influences between them. Thus, the concept of Biophilic Design has emerged as one of the modern trends in design, which deals with the relationship between man and the built environment.
It aims to improve the health of individuals within the interior spaces and to develop the design in relation to the history and culture of the society.The biophilic design has two important dimensions to achieve. The most important of these is vernacular design or time-and-place-based design, a term that refers to products or areas where culture, environment and history intersect to create meaning for the place. Vernacular design is also a term associated with vernacular architecture and a result of increasing awareness of its importance recently. Vernacular architecture is an architecture that reflects the environmental, cultural and historical contexts in which it was found. Although it is related to tradition, it can be regarded as a modern concept; it provides alternatives to current architectural practices that are a matter of debate for the energy crisis and sustainability
Through the study it turned out that vernacular design has a strong relation to sustainability because it does not consume local resources, it understands the environment surrounding the human being, strengthens its relationship with it, and respects the historical and human dimension of societies. Therefore, the concept of vernacular design in this research will be highlighted and analyzed its creative and productive processes in vernacular architecture through the assumption that the application of principles and features of the vernacular design present an important contributions in the field of formal design in the interior spaces to become the starting point for the production of designs More committed to the local culture and tradition of its people and achieving the principles of sustainability


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ثالثاً: شبکة الانترنت (accessed on 25 July 2018)17- (accessed on 7 May 2018)18-