The aesthetic values of Birds' motion in animated cartoons

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts,  Helwan University,Decoration Department

2 design at decoration department Faculty of applied arts

3 animation design at decoration department Faculty of applied arts


This research highlights the importance of the analytical study of the birds’ movements and the aesthetic values of this movement. Since animation is considered as a development of visual arts since the beginning of creation, it was necessary to study the movement evolution of fine artists till they found ways to enable us to watch the movement on the screen. The artist has gone through a lot of experience, he invented several devices for the motion of the static graphics and the motion of the three-dimensional objects using the latest equipment.
The research here explores the concept of movement in the bird as an effective aesthetic value in the animation and the study of the impact of different movements in the animation. These movements designed by the artist on paper to show the movement from being just imagination to a visible reality recorded on the tape. The research includes an analytical study of the aesthetic values of the movement of flying within animation films produced by different animation techniques. Like any artistic medium, the animation is full of innovators and geniuses. Although the use of motion pictures to tell stories has existed since prehistoric times, the animation we are talking about today really began in the 19th century and continues to evolve. And Research Pillars on 1)Bird’s movement and behavior analysis. 2)Animation technique using Traditional Animation method and sometimes called hand-drawn animation or cel animation and, for most of the 20th Century, And the first attempts of traditional animation have A Flipbook and it is a series of illustrations of an animated scene bound together in sequence so that an illusion of movement can be imparted by flipping them rapidly . 3)Animation technique using Stop Motion method like (Clay Animation - Objects -Puppet Animation - Cut Out). 4)Animation technique using the Computer Animation method Include, ,2D Computer animation such as (Anime Studio , Toon Boom , Flash, After Effects) and 3D Computer animation such as ( 3d Maya, 3d Max, Cinema Studio). Explaining of Motion Capture for analysis of bird movement


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