The effectiveness of the clothes and their role in the animation films

Document Type : Original Article


1 Apparel Department ,Higher Institute of Applied Arts the 5th Settlement -New Cairo

2 Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Department of Advertising


Fashion designs are one of the important plastic elements that are part of the composition of the image in the animation films, and are part of the expression aesthetic and dramatic, because fashion design and colors, and the quality and contact them perform a number of functions that enhance the value of the role and charity and a new , The fashion in the art work are considered a historical reference, documentary or social, and they expresses the attachment of the animation character to the environment and history through actions that have been reworked in dramatic work that has certain dimensions and visions from the creative perspective of this dramatic formulation. Hence the clothes leave the viewer's first impression of identity Dramatic character "animation" ,,, Due to the clothes have many meanings, and content that both the fashion designer and the animation designer use to address the minds of viewers of different ages and to move their feelings in certain directions to merge with the dramatic work , In order to achieve the desired objectives of the design within the work of art "story" and to make the desired impact on the viewer, especially as animation films "Animation" is no longer limited to young people only, the development of technology used in the manufacture of these films in addition to the development of writing methods and creativity made Which has a huge impact and leave behind them, which led to a lot of viewers "individuals" on the different ages of this type of films, "animation films"
Therefore, the good preparation of animation characters in the animated film is one of the most important steps that depend on the cinematic art work, so the clothing should contain the story "film" on the characteristics of the art to be provided for it, so that imagination is realistic
Some believe that the "costume" worn by cartoon characters within animated films must be matched to each historical role that represents an era only? But the correctness here is the applicability of the "content form" argument.


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