Planning advertising campaigns in the view of cognitive styles between man and woman

Document Type : Original Article


The International Academy for Engineering and Media Science


The main purpose of any advertising campaign is conviction the recipient and from here comes the importance of this accurate study of psychology to the recipient in all its sides, as there are many factors that affects the recipient of most important the social class, age group, culture, experience, gender…etc. And this research came to study the difference between men's and women's psychology and the natural mental activates for each of them… Based on the recent studies presented in this field and its great impact in selection or identifying cognitive styles followed for each of them as the mental process used for each individual in classification of its perception or the ways to respond to the various influence which have significant impact when putting strategy to the contemporary advertising campaigns…Research problem:
1) To what extent can benefit from the cognitive styles of individual when planning advertising campaigns?
2) What is the effect of psychological difference for both men and women with cognitive styles?
3) What is the relationship between psychology aspect of both men and women with cognitive styles when planning a targeted advertising campaign?
Research aims:
1) Benefit of different cognitive styles when planning contemporary advertising campaign to achieve conviction.
2) Creating different strategies for advertising campaigns through the good study for both men and women psychology.
3) Finding new ways to build impressions and mental images inside the mind and the conscience of the recipient by taking into consideration the gender difference and cognitive styles.
Research assumes:
1) It’s possible to have psychological aspect of the two genders in the response to stimuli (cognitive styles).
2) By benefiting in recent studies about the psychological difference for each men and women which find great interest in present time, can plan a successful advertising campaigns achieving much more impact of influence and conviction.
3) Cognitive styles may have a role in planning process of advertising campaigns as it is personal way that express an individual’s preference to have information.
