An Analytical Study Of The Design Idea And Its Applications In Interior Design & Furniture

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Design & Furniture Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt


The field of Interior Design and Furniture, like other fields, has witnessed the effects of globalization and openness on the outside world, and the ensuing dazzle in all its details, followed by a blind tradition with the presence of a variety of Design Trends and their principles, which made the interior designer run behind the form sometimes, and behind the content at other times, because there is no clear perception of Design Process System, and the absence of awareness of its elements.
The research problem arises in the following questions: How do creative ideas be produced in Design? What are the elements of Design Process, and what is the importance of Design Idea in it? In other words, in light of the current scientific progress- Has the modern materials and the techniques of their use become proactive, leading to a decline in the importance of Design Idea, or is it still the most important in Design Process? From this point of view, the research aims to develop the creative sense of Design Student, and to work on the breadth of his mind by recognizing "Design Idea" as the essence of Design Process, and reviewing its applications in Interior Design and Furniture. The importance of the research returns to that it contributes to the construction of a comprehensive conceptual framework on Design Idea, and address all the related studies, especially in light of the lack of courses that is interested in studying Design Idea in itself, which may weaken the distinction of the final design product, which helps the designer to achieve his creations in a scientifically studied way, instead of this unconscious drift towards the new. The research assumes that Design Creativity and the emergence of Modern Trends in Interior design and Furniture require the knowledge about the nature of Design Idea and related studies.
The research follows the extrapolative extraction approach, and the analytical descriptive approach. Finally, the results and recommendations of the research, and references Arabic and foreign are displayed.


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