Digital illustrations pedagogy of commercial Guidance posters for children (Applied descriptive study)

Document Type : Original Article


Advertising - Applied Arts - O6U.


Digital illustrations are mainly used in children's stories, books and magazines, and are rarely found in posters for children because they require a highly talented painter and skilled designer, they also require considerable time and effort, and are therefore replaced by photographs.
The Digital illustrations of commercial Guidance posters provided to children by the technical richness, which is rarely found in other means, this is because it is exposed in large sizes, so it is necessary for its artists to pay attention to its attractiveness because it addresses the child, So the digital illustration in the commercial Guidance posters which provided to children carries important elements, such as the promotion of a product or service, while at the same time modifying the child's erroneous behaviors or concepts, Therefore, it contains a pedagogic character, It is the "teacher" who conveys positive ideas and concepts that attempt to build the child personality of the child, and at the same time with its lines and bright colors attract the attention of the child and make him happy, So the guidance of the child through Digital illustrations pedagogy of commercial guidance posters is an important factor in increasing sales of the commodity, and the child learns the pros and cons by negating the child's behavior.
A commercial advertisement is designed, implemented and published as the most common type of advertising because it is profitable for advertising organizations. Therefore, commercial advertising is aimed at increasing sales of a product or promoting a service. It is designed primarily to attract customers and make profits, He is a lieutenant of the national economy and a strong supporter of the financial situation of companies, factories and various services.
In contrast, the guiding declaration aims to inform the recipient and guide him to conduct. He carries noble goals for the benefit of the recipient as a warning against a certain threat (the fight against epidemics, diseases and various viruses), or following a method (giving vaccinations to children and directing children to stop bullying against And not to raise the sound), or not to follow a method because it harms the person (not dumping the waste on the ground and not waste water or food).


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