The intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the art of Greek frescoes

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of Fine Arts Babel - Iraq


This research is an attempt to identify and identify the intellectual aesthetic exclusion of Greek archeology. The research included three chapters. The first chapter included the problem of the research, its importance and the need for it. The problem of the research was to investigate the answer to the following question: What is the intellectual and aesthetic dimensions that characterized the Greek ? The research aims to highlight and reveal the intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the Greek Gothic photography art and the significant changes in the human life of the Greek man (intellectual, scientific and artistic). The limits of the research were determined by a collection of works of art within the theoretical framework of the period (320 BC - The second section included the intellectual and philosophical features and their impact on the art of photography of the Greek alphabet, and in the second, The third topic included the subject of common people To influence the development of the art of Greek Gothic photography. The fourth topic has included the theme of the distinctive features of the art of Greek Gothic photography as well as the application of the rules of perspective in the art of photography Greek wall, as well as the most important indicators of the theoretical framework. Chapter Three deals with conclusions, suggestions, recommendations and recommendations.
1. The Greek artist has a strong relationship with the intellectual and philosophical ideas of his time, which refers to the great tendency towards the realization of free forms in the work of art, not subject to any kind of restrictions or coercive powers. Through the interdependence of its elements and its interest in lines, colors and shapes.
The research ended with the most important sources in Arabic and English.
The current research aims to study the intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the art of Greek wall painting.
2 / highlights the importance of the intellectual and aesthetic dimension of the Greek and the associated significant changes in the human life of the Greek man (intellectually, scientifically and artistically).
3 / stand on the most important intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the art of photography Greek Gothic, which characterized this artistic style of other productions of artists through different ages.


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