Develop the designs of the printed glass units and connect them with the interior design of furniture furnishings in coordinates with the use of innovative technological

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute Of Applied Arts

2 The Higher Institute Of Applied Arts


Abstract :

Technological innovation is the use of practical knowledge to achieve Human needs and desires and the development of society as it is used to achieve Supplies necessary to facilitate the life, comfort and survival of the human person as it assists individuals in their discoveries and inventions to achieve Their needs and desires, the technological innovation of product development is a cosmic phenomenon, the most important feature is the accumulation of experience and knowledge and the desire for change and development in various aspects of life. The technology contributes to the process of design creation and shaping the advanced features of the future, as technical progress and the use of modern techniques in designing and manufacturing has changed many of the concepts prevalent in applied sciences and the production of the arts and has led the natural docking between the design activities and Modern technological data to the transformation in the methods of competition and the measures of evaluation and the use of technology for further innovation, renewal and development and the challenges of the future requires rethinking all that surrounds the design process of theoretical bases and practical procedures in light of the modern concepts of design requirements From the scientific and technological point of view affecting the development of methods Design and production, As technological advances and innovation have been the engines of long-term economic growth, research has addressed the development of glass lighting units to obtain innovative products from printed and thermally treated glass in high-temperature furnaces reconstituted with printed textile parts. It is implemented with textile printing design techniques and the creation of consistent combinations that link the designs of innovative lighting units and the designs of the surrounding furniture to create harmonious atmosphere In the furniture designs printed in the rooms.

The research will address the following topics:
• The role of technological innovation in the development of design product and achievement The competition.
• Create a plastic aesthetic relationship between the glass composition of the lighting units and the designs of the printed furniture surrounding them.
• Create consistent combinations that link the design of thermally treated glass lighting units to the designs of printed furniture using the technology developed.
• KEY WORDS: Coordinate groups, burn technique, The dikopage


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