Visualization in the design of advertising methods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute of Applied Arts 6th of October

2 Advertising dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan Un., Giza, Egypt

3 Applied Arts - Helwan University


Many companies rely on the policy of offering their goods in different dimensions, different atypical and customer-centric. They deal without any mediation through the unreasonableness of design, and here comes the role of advertising methods to achieve visual dazzle in the design, to achieve the method of interactive presentation mentally to the recipient to continue Even after they have been removed from the display.

Hence, the designer is looking for a language or tool to help him get closer to the recipient, to have a role in interacting with the unfamiliar mental perceptions of the recipient to build innovative ideas when designing presentation methods.

However, the methods of advertising in Egypt need a great effort to keep pace with modern technology, and build alternatives and different ways to take advantage of the irrationality and imagination of visual dazzling when building the design idea and access to a kind of optical dazzle.

Therefore, it is necessary to try to create an interactive relationship and to develop design ideas, to achieve the visual shock element through visual dazzling in the presentation methods that make the recipient is influenced and interacted mentally with the plastic elements used.
Hence the problem of research, which can be summarized in an attempt to answer the following question:
- How can visual dazzle be achieved in ad presentation methods that relied on irrational, imaginative and dynamic events high and effective, and the recipient's response to these visions and fantasies?

The research aims to invest in irrationality and imagination in the creation of design ideas based on visual dazzling to achieve communication objectives and access to innovative marketing dynamic response of the recipient.

The research follows the inductive method in the collection of information and data for ad presentation methods which have a new dimension using interactive and irrational imagination. Then the analytical descriptive method for selected models of the ad presentation methods depended on achieving the optical dazzle of the recipient in the light of innovation and the occurrence of the surprise element, followed by the applied side by the researcher.

The study showed the impact of modern techniques in presentation styles, which relied on the irrationality and imagination to introduce the innovative idea through the visual dazzling and the ability to employ innovative design style of the methods of advertising.


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