The Aesthetics Of The Combining Between The Enamel And The Semi-Precious Stones And Their Role In Enriching The Surface Of Metal Crafts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of art education ,Helwan university

2 Professor of Metal Works ,Department of Artistic Works and Folklore – Faculty of Art Education – Helwan University

3 Assistant Professor of Metal Works, Department of Artistic Works and folklore – Faculty of Art Education – Helwan University.


Applying enamel on the surface of the metal artwork is one of the techniques of a great importance, regarding metal formulation, due to its colors and textures provided enriching the surface. Moreover, the color is an important atheistic factor affecting the artwork; it enriches the plastic and expressive value of metal artworks, in case of matching the color of the background. Consequently, it aids the artist to achieve the desired aesthetic value, as Enamel is the process of emerging layers of glass on the surface of the metal.
The semiprecious stones have been included in the ancient Egyptian jewels, which increases its glamour. The ancient Egyptians had been aware of colorful stones and including them in their jewels resulting in producing pieces of artworks astonishing the whole world of its beauty, since the time pre-families.
The semiprecious stones are the stones that might belong to a metal non-metallic or organic origin, which can be either zoological or botanical, and all have various features.
Man has reached various treatments for precious and semiprecious stones, in order to improve their qualities, of which, there is treatment with heat.
Treatment with heat may affect the surface of the metal artwork, as it is possible to combine enamel and semiprecious stones. The process results in color and texture on the surface of the metal enriching the plastic value of the artwork. This combination can treat the cracks of the semiprecious stones, along with the formulation troubles. It is considered one of the means of permanent combination of metals, as well as, it either assures or changes the color in some stones, while in others, it results in diaphaneity.
Combining between enamel and semiprecious stones of metal surface can result in enriching the artwork, through the variety of plastic and expressive values. The variety is produced by the heat in combining the two elements in different formulations, upon which the issue of the research is; how to enrich metal artworks expressing the aesthetics of combining between enamel and semiprecious stones?


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