Benefit of Colored Lights on Marketing of Ready Made Garments

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ready Made Garments , Faculty Of Applied Arts , Damietta University ,Damietta ,Egypt

2 Department Of Decoration , Faculty Of Applied Arts , Damietta University ,Damietta ,Egypt


The aim of the research is to create a tool for marketing ready-made garments through the use of colored lights in comparison to the impact of three different types of light intensity of colored LED lamps, which is 3w-5w-9w, and to identify the effect of colored lights on the surfaces of colored textile fabrics through practical experience (26) The color of polo fabrics and cotton gel fabrics used in the manufacture of men's scarves through (6) colors of colored light they are (red color - green - blue - mix red with green - mix red with blue - Combination of green color with the color (10) to get the best design from each design group, as well as the best design from all groups. The first design of the first group was (95.00%), the fifth design of the second group (97.67%), the seventh design in the third group is the best (89.00%), the fifth design of the fifth group is the best by 90.67% It is the best among the groups Finally, the best design from each group was applied and the effects of colored lights applied to them. The results show that the product can be displayed 6 times in a different color each time according to the original color. And the development of innovative marketing methods for the display and marketing of garments using color and light, and suggests the research use as an effective marketing tool, which proves the hypotheses that the light color can create a visual image to help increase the attractiveness of the product.


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    المواقع الإلکترونیة:

    1.  Accessed : 02  - یونیه -2018
    2. Accessed : 02  - یونیه -2018
    3. : 02  - یونیه -2018
    4. http://images.all-free- Accessed : 02  - یونیه -2018
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