Enhancement Of Design Aesthetics for Jackets Fabrics Executed to Dobby Looms By Applying Self-similarity property in the fractal theory

Document Type : Original Article


Spinning, Weaving, and Knitting Dept, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


Fabrics produced on fabric looms with Dobby devices play a major role in meeting the needs of consumers of woven fabrics, especially in the field of clothing fabrics. With the great technological development in these lines and their connection to computers, this gave the designer the opportunity to increase his creative and innovative ability to produce designs with values Functional and aesthetic within the limits of the number of limited textile differences in those looms.
Jacket fabrics are very important for consumers to use frequently in the winter as they provide the required warmth, and given its importance and advantages, it deserves technical and Technology consideration,Whereas the design of that kind of fabrics carried on dobby looms almost typical is represented in plain,streak, and plaid designs . There are rarely simple engravings , Hence the importance of developing this type of fabric and providing a new vision by adapting some of the relevant scientific theories and applying them to the production of innovative designs with a new aesthetic and artistic vision. The most important research is Presenting a new vision for winter jacket fabric designs, Promote the use of scientific foundations and theories to obtain new and diverse designs, Take advantage of the recent developments of dobby looms to develop dobby fabric designs, and Enrich the local market with advanced products.and Objectives is Development of winter jacket fabrics executed on dobby looms, Emphasis on the adaptation of theories and scientific foundations and use in the dobby fabric design, Developing the local product to face the competition of the foreign product.


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