Using Security Graphic Design Features For Commercial Prints

Document Type : Original Article


Higher Institute of applied arts


The security graphic design is a new form of graphic design for commercial prints that combines aesthetic and functional aspects with the addition of security features to anti-counterfeiting of prints, which lead to changes the contents that recognized and replaces it with any other identical in format and content but is illegal.
The International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) estimates that worldwide counterfeiting has grown to a $600 billion per year industry, and that it costs U.S. businesses between $200 billion and $250 billion annually. Counterfeiting becomes unelectable issue rose in business operation. In anti-counterfeiting solutions, graphic design with innovative security features provide another layer for brand protection.
Graphic design represents brand recognition, professionalism, communication, company unity in customer perception. Unpleasant design causes serious problems, instead of weakening brand protection, brand reputation can also be damaged and misled the customer towards brand image because of inconsistent or disgraceful designs. Our designers develop a set of security graphic feature designed by special software, create a non-duplicable image through mathematical algorithms, for example, guilloche, relief, latent etc. Our in-house designer offers technology consulting in area of anti-fraud and document design services.
Security features of prints are determined according to several variables, including the type of the printed and the material, in addition to overt and covert security features.

In this regard, this study is based on an overview of importance of security design which meets artistic beauty, security and productivity.

Research problem
Shortage of commercial prints to security features that enhance the identity of prints.
Research aim
Protection of commercial prints against any kind of reproduction, tampering, counterfeiting.
Research Methodology
Descriptive analytical methodology in addition of the experimental methodology.


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