The roles of popular proverbs as a cultural heritage in preserving the human Values in Advertising

Document Type : Original Article


advertising,high institute of applied art, 6 October , Egypt


The Declaration has a central role in shaping opinions, making decisions and shaping the behavior of individuals, affect their behavior towards different groups, sectors and promotes changes within the community and to make a positive impact by generating new human values in accordance with the needs of society. Human values are 'an ethical cultural system' that defines the behaviors of the recipient.

The ad plays an active role in promoting changes within the community and to make a positive impact through the creation of new human values according to the needs of society. Human values constitute a moral cultural system Define the behaviors of the recipient.The popular proverbs are the greatest legacy of a positive mental image of society. This is because of its uniqueness and individuality 'Built on a deep philosophy Reflect the spiritual trends of folklore. As we are living in an age where the modern media are increasingly shaken by the melting of cultural identity and the removal of popular legacies to be replaced by Western cultural values. Therefore, the research aimed to rework the elements of the popular heritage represented in popular proverbs to develop new advertising methods that change the attitudes of the recipient and spread positive human values related to the Egyptian cultural identity to achieve social communication in order to benefit from the applied study. The applied study tries to promote the human values in advertising through the use of popular proverbs. This is done through a project that was presented to the students of the Higher Institute of Applied Arts - 6th of October City where they were left free to choose the popular ideals that carry a positive message to attract the target recipients Brainstorming, and then reach the results of the study, which is most important that the proverbs popular
Egyptian works to establish human values through the content of the message.

Popular proverbs - Brainstorming –Human Values


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